On the first day God said "there will be light", and there was light.
On the second day he said "there will be skies and oceans and continents" and the Earth was born.
On the third day he said "there will be grass and trees and herbs and shrubs and weeds with flowers and fruits and all that good stuff" and a green chlorophyllic carpet covered the barren lands and painted the vast oceans.
On the forth day he cried "there will be lights on the skies, always dancing around the Earth. And the sun and the moon and the stars and the planets and nights and days came to be.
On the fifth day he touched the waters and the skies and said "let them be filled with birds and bees and squids ans sharks and whales and flying fishes and seagulls and penguins" and all those little animals came to be. He also made the pigeons, so he could piss of other animals for a few eons.
On the sixth day God was rather happy with himself, so he gathered some leaves from the tree of knowledge, made a huge spliff and started having the craziest ideas. Made the creatures of the land, all the birds that can't fly, and hid the bones of massive creatures on the earth bowels. He also made a self conscious but delusional being called man, an set him loose on the world. He started wondering what sort of mind games could he use to play with man. He then made a woman and went to sleep with a grind in his chin.
On the seven day God woke up early and realized what he had done by creating man. So he made Perfection: a human soul that would be grafted on special ones from time to time. And so, I came to love Perfection.
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